Bone broth season is still on! 🍲☕ SHOP BONE BROTH.

Author: Aaron Miller

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Should I choose animal rennet or vegetable rennet in my natural cheese?

Let’s take a look at what rennet is and why it’s used in cheesemaking, compare the different types of animal and vegetable rennets, check out the labeling requirements for rennet, and consider the potential health consequences. Keeping all this in mind, Miller’s Bio Farm aims to produce the most nutrient-dense, natural, A2/A2 cheese we can and gives you all the info you need to make the choice that’s best for your body!

Is yolk color is no longer a great indicator of the egg's nutrition?

It used to be true that, if your egg yolks were darker in color, then the better the egg's nutrition. Conscious consumers of the past would look for that deep orange yolk and stray away from lighter yellow yolks. It's sad, but this simply isn't the case anymore. Here's why you can't trust cheap store-bought eggs with orange yolks and need to know your farmer instead.

Tips on how to thaw, prep, and cook your pastured Thanksgiving turkey.

So, you have a beautiful pasture-raised soy and corn free turkey in your freezer. Now what? Here are some tips to help you answer important pre-Thanksgiving questions: When do I need to thaw my turkey? To brine or not to brine? What will I season the turkey with? Should I stuff the turkey? Will I do a regular roast or slow roast? When does it need to go in the oven?

Minute details for this year's on demand turkeys

Bear with me this week. I have a bunch of interesting turkey details to share with you. This year the turkeys will be on demand! That means you order one when you need one. No preorders this year. Fall turkeys will start going to the processor on September 29th and will continue to be sent through November. That means that you can start ordering whole turkeys soon! As of right now, there are some turkey cuts available. Here are the basics - Our turkeys are a “white” breed, live on green pasture, and are naturally raised and processed. I am always wanting to find out more about how my food was produced. This year, I’m diving deep to answer the question, “What’s in the feed?”

Are there GMO non-food coatings on your fresh produce? Here's what you need to know.

In general, fruits and veggies are considered “healthy” foods. But, our complicated food system has, of course, complicated this. Farming practices matter. But, even after produce is harvested, chemicals can be applied to coat produce and keep it looking fresh for a long time. Let's look into the ingredients in produce coatings, the new Apeel coating, and what to look out for when being a smart natural food shopper.

An embroiled and heated family debate - Is a hot dog a sausage?

My family has a chat group. We share photos, life updates, stories… and sometimes we get a good debate going. It was prompted by my sister. She wrote, “Important question! We need you all to settle a dispute. Please let us know your opinion. Is a hot dog a sausage?” Bingggg. Bingggg. Bingggg. Ahhh… the sounds of a chat debate quickly ensued.

Why spring grass milk is the most healthy, creamy, yellow, and delicious.

Ahhhh, spring grass fed milk. It’s just the best milk of the entire year. You can see that it’s yellower and creamier. You can taste its full flavor and earthiness. In your gut, you just know that this milk is good for you. It’s simply the best. With modern testing, we can quantify that we’re not crazy for believing this or feeling this within our bodies. It’s scientifically true. Spring grass fed milk is the healthiest milk. Let’s explore.

Useful and sharable resources for animal-based foods... that aren't scary

When did you go down the rabbit hole and learn about the benefits of eating clean, animal-based foods? For me, it was when I was pregnant with my first child. I thought I was eating healthfully... but then my eyes were opened to so much more than is taught in health class and is accepted as "common knowledge" of the time. And, come on, the internet can be such a scary place to learn about food. Eggs definitely give you high cholesterol. Drinking raw milk will definitely kill you. Lucky Charms are definitely healthier than grass-fed beef(anyone else see that NIH study about the new Food Compass rating system? Ugh). Who funds this stuff?But once you find trusted sources (you know, the ones backed with unbiased research and typically not served to you by Google), you can't unlearn it. And, the more you learn, the more you want to learn. And, once you gain your food confidence, you want to share it, too!Heck, if you're daring, maybe you even want to convert your friends that love fast food, are always on the latest trendy diet, or are vegan (gasp!).Diet can strangely be a tough topic of conversation. After all, what you choose to put in your body is such a personal choice. And once someone makes that choice, they often have strong convictions that are hard to break. In my personal experience, anything contrary to someone's reality will be received as a "conspiracy". But, hey, that doesn't mean you shouldn't start the conversation if you want to!And an important note: At Miller's Bio Farm, we support each person's food choices! It's something that you and only you can decide. And we hope that you transfer that same respect to others, even if your viewpoints differ 😊So, this week, I started an amazing resource for you (and maybe even your friends) ----- ANIMAL-BASED RESOURCE LIST MILLER'S BIO FARM BLOGOur blog is full of great animal-based articles. However, they're mostly about farming practices, the nitty gritty on food ingredients, and cooking techniques... not necessarily health (as those claims can be risky for a company to make). Here's a quick list of our most popular blog posts about health: The PUFA Predicament: A Look Into Healthy FatsWhat is milk kefir? How's it made? What are the health benefits?The Art of Fermentation: Exploring the Health Benefits of All-Natural SalamiWhat is bioavailability? How to get what you need to be healthy.How are primal carnivore urges affected when you're surrounded by tons of food?Heart health and dairy fat are linked in a very good way. WEBSITES (raw milk specific)Raw Milk Institute (raw milk specific)Weston A. Price Foundation Global Food JusticeDr. Kiltz SOCIAL MEDIA Lindasy - @animalbased bae (IG)Rachael Elizabeth - @ribeyerach (IG)Sustainable Dish (IG and FB)Weston A Price Foundation (IG and FB)Chris Irvin - @theketologist (IG)Dr. Gabeiwlle Lyon (IG)Dr. Bill Shindler (IG)Dr. Paul Saladino (IG)Nourishing Our Children (IG and FB)Strong Sistas (IG)Ancestral Health Society (FB)Joey Jurgovan - @joeysorts (IG)Lineage Provisions - @lineageprovisions (IG)Olivia Robertson-Moe, NTP - @revolveprimalhealth (IG)Judy Cho - @nutritionwithjudy (IG)Liz Haselmayer - @homegrown_education (IG)The Primal Bod - @theprimalbody (IG)Lily Nichols RDN - @lilynicholsrdn (IG)Animal Based Nutrition - @freddie_alves (IG) PODCASTS The Regaissance Podcast BOOKS Nourishing Traditions CookbookThe Untold Story of Raw MilkPottinger's Cats: A Study in NutritionEat Like a HumanThe Carnivore CodeThe Plant ParadoxSoil, Grass, and CancerThe Big Fat Surprise ----- Ok, I know I'm missing a lot here. Please, help! What animal-based, real food resources do you love? Have any suggestions to add to our list? Comment below (no account required - start typing for the guest option to appear) or contact us!