🎉 Our bone broth tested negative for toxic heavy metals! READ MORE & SEE THE RESULTS.

Histamine intolerance, natural healing, and a helpful histamine food list

written by

Nailea Tinoco

posted on

September 27, 2024


Histamines, Histamines, Histamines. You might have heard this word a lot more lately. I mean, I have. I’ve been getting questions about histamines in our food multiple times a week! This inspired me to take a deep dive into what they are, why we need them, and why too much is bad! Please join me on my learning journey.

What are histamines? What do histamines do in your body? And why do we need them?

Histamines are super important chemicals that your immune system releases. You need them. They’re like little messengers your body sends out. In addition to producing your own histamines, you eat them in your food, too.

A big role of histamines is causing allergic reactions, protecting your body from foreign invaders like allergens or infections. For example, if you get a bug bite, your body produces histamines. They tell your body to send more blood to that area and heal the injury. Or, if you’re allergic to pollen and breathe it in, your body sends out histamines. They, in turn, make your body produce mucus to clear the pollen from your respiratory system.

Histamines also help regulate brain functions. They keep you awake and alert.

Histamines are also important for digestion. Without histamines, your stomach wouldn’t produce enough acid to digest food properly. 

So, histamines are not inherently bad. You need them! Sadly, too much or the inability to handle them can be a problem. In some cases, a big problem.

What is histamine intolerance?

Histamine intolerance is no fun. It happens when your body can’t break down histamines properly, leading to a build up that can cause all sorts of annoying physical symptoms, which may include:

  • Bloating
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Runny/stuffy nose
  • Shortness of breath
  • Itching
  • Rash/hives
  • Flushing
  • Low blood pressure
  • Irregular heart rates
  • Painful menstruation 
  • Swelling of lips, tongue, or throat  

Histamines can have a big impact on our mental health, too. They help release neurotransmitters that regulate brain functions like alertness, learning, and memory. So, they play a part in how we feel and behave daily. Here are some examples:

Alertness: Too much histamine in the brain promotes wakefulness.

Sleep Regulation: Low levels of histamines can make you feel drowsy. This is why antihistamine medications, which block histamines, often cause drowsiness as side effects. 

Mood Regulation: Imbalances in histamine levels can be linked to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Why are more and more people getting diagnosed with histamine intolerance? 

We’re hearing from more and more customers that are struggling with histamine intolerance. It seems to me a new, popular diagnosis these days. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Improved Awareness & Diagnosis: People and health professionals are becoming more aware of histamine intolerance.
  2. Modern Diet & Gut Health: Eating a lot of processed, sugary snacks and unhealthy fats can throw off the balance of good bacteria in your gut, which is crucial for your health. When your gut isn’t in good shape, it can struggle to break down histamines.
  3. Medication Use: Some medications can mess with your body’s ability to break down histamines, leading to a build up. 
  4. Genetics: Your genes can play a role too! Some people are born with less ability to break down histamines. It might not be producing enough enzymes that help keep histamines in check. The MTHFR gene can affect how your body uses folate, which is important to many functions, including detoxifying histamines. 

Tips for managing your histamine levels:

  1. Stick to a low histamine diet: Histamines are naturally present in all foods. Some foods are innately low in histamines and some are innately high.
  2. Watch how you handle food: Keep an eye on how your food is stored and prepared to keep histamine levels in check. When food sits or ages, bacteria is usually breaking down proteins, and that process produces histamines.
  3. Know your triggers: Some foods might not have histamines, but can make your body release more. It’s good to know what triggers your body. 

How do you treat histamine intolerance in a holistic way?

Conventional doctors might recommend antihistamines or medications to help break down histamines. However, there are also more natural approaches to consider. These are just some suggestions, we’re not doctors!

  1. Dietary Adjustments: Avoid high histamine foods and incorporate low histamine foods. 
  2. Supplements: Vitamin C can help reduce histamine levels and symptoms. Vitamin B6 can help increase enzyme production, which helps break down and remove excess histamines.
  3. Essential Oils: Chamomile and lavender may have anti-inflammatory properties. Use a diffuser or add them to a warm bath. 
  4. Natural Antihistamines: Quercetin, found in apples, green tea, and onions, can act as a natural antihistamine.
  5. Healing the Gut: It’s an important step. A healthy gut can help your body regulate histamine levels more effectively and improve your overall well being. Leaky gut can cause bacteria and toxins to leak into the bloodstream triggering immune response and releasing histamines. 70% of the immune system is thought to be in the gut. 

What are the histamine levels of Miller’s Bio Farm foods?


*Not finding the food you’re looking for? This list was made for the foods that Miller's Bio Farm offers. You can find a more comprehensive food list here.



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Our bone broth tested negative for heavy metals 🥳 NATURAL AND CLEAN

Over the past few months a bunch of people asked us if we tested our bone broth for toxic heavy metals. When we get the same question a lot, we of course look into it. My first question was --- Is there an issue with toxic metals in bone broth? As it turns out, yes, there "can" be an issue! Heavy metals are naturally present in our environment. We need the "good" heavy metals to thrive: iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, etc. But, we can 100% do without the toxic heavy metals: arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, etc. Too many toxic heavy metals can lead to a host of pretty awful issues: nervous system damage, cardiovascular issues, cancer, endocrine disruption, kidney damage, and so on. Our body is designed to excrete heavy metals through urine (and a little bit through sweat, hair, and breastmilk too)... but only so much. There's a limit. If you're overloaded, your body will store those heavy metals in your bones, blood, tissues, and organs. Similarly, if an animal is exposed to heavy metals via food, water, air, dust, or soil, those heavy metals accumulate in the bones. Maybe the farm's soil or air is contaminated from a nearby factory. Maybe the pipes for the water has lead solder connecting them. Maybe the feed a farm is buying was grown on contaminated soil or processed on contaminated equipment.  And, of course, a main purpose of bone broth is drawing out as much as possible from the bones. If there are heavy metals in bones, they will make their way into the broth. This is especially true when you pre-soak with apple cider vinegar and simmer for 48 hours to make it thick and gelatinous (like our broth). And that led me to my second question --- Should I be concerned about every bone broth? Where is the fear coming from? Well... it seems it might be a little political. There was a study done in the UK in 2013 that scared a lot of people. It's titled "The Risk of Lead Contamination in Bone Broth Diets". This study found high levels of lead in organic chicken bone broth, which is quite concerning. And, in fact, this one study is still cited in articles written today! Let's dig a little deeper. Let's go farther than the short abstract. Here are the broths tested in the study and their test results for lead:  (9.5 parts per billion): Broth made from tap water plus skin and cartilage(7.01 parts per billion): Broth made from tap water plus bones(2.3 parts per billion): Broth made from tap water plus meat(0.89 parts per billion): Tap water alone cooked for the same amount of time as a control. But, they only used organic chicken from one farm. And, there's zero information about that farm, their practices, the feed, and the broth recipe. Did they use vinegar or wine in the broth? Was the chicken's water contaminated with lead? What was the quality of the feed and the soil? Were the chickens raised indoors or outdoors? So many unanswered questions! All we get is that it was one "organic chicken" that created a lead issue with broth. Another curious thing is that the broth with skin and cartilage contained more lead than the broth made with just bones. Bones are where lead is stored, so why wouldn't the broth made with bones only contain more lead? It's an odd result. Moreover, the abstract of the study specifically called out "bone broth diets" like GAPS and paleo. They even go so far as to write, "In view of the dangers of lead consumption to the human body, we recommend that doctors and nutritionists take the risk of lead contamination into consideration when advising patients about bone broth diets." That's quite curious. Why are they worried about these diets? Are the researchers anti healing through food? Who funded the research? Is it political? My opinion? This study is not comprehensive. It does not speak to all bone broths. But it does cover a potential issue if the water or animals are overloaded with heavy metals. What I glean from this study is that we need more research. We don't need fear to spread and people to stop drinking broth from this one study. Regardless of whether the fear was fabricated or legit, we tested our bone broth anyway. After all, it's always nice to validate that your food choices are as clean as you think. For Miller's, here were my concerns before testing: What if there's mercury in the fishmeal in our chicken feed?What if the soil that our animals live on is contaminated?What is the well water that the broth is made with is contaminated?What if the Celtic sea salt has lots of heavy metals? As it turns out, my fears were thankfully unfounded. Our bone broth tested NEGATIVE for arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury 🥳 🥳 🥳 You can find the test results right here! You'll notice that, for every sample, the results are "<0.01 mg/kg" and "<0.02 mg/kg".  I asked the lab what the "<" means. They said that it indicates their limit of quantitation (LOQ), the lowest concentration that can be accurately tested using the test procedure in that sample type. So the results simply report that none of the metals tested were found in the sample above the specific reporting LOQs. Whether or not they were present below this LOQ is information that is not provided by the test. It's also important to note that a "mg/kg" is the same as a part per billion (ppb). It means that our broths contain less than 0.02 ppb of arsenic and lead and less than 0.01 ppb of cadmium and mercury. I don't think a lower LOQ is needed. I mean, I think we can say it's basically zero. What about you? For some reference, the EPA says that less than 15 ppb of lead is safe in drinking water. Not saying that I agree, but it's a good reference point.  FYI ---> We also tested our ground beef, and it was negative. Why test ground beef? Because if there was an issue with the broth, I wanted to identify right away if meat was an issue too. We of course do not want to give out food contaminated with toxic heavy metals! We'd take immediate action is that were the case. You know what this also means? Someone asked recently about the fishmeal in our chicken feed. Given that fish nowadays can have high mercury content, they were worried about mercury in our eggs and chicken. Since our fishmeal is made from sardines, a small fish that doesn't have time to accumulate mercury, I wasn't overly concerned.  But now with these results, I'm definitely not concerned about mercury in our chicken products! If it's not in the bones and the broth, then it's pretty safe to say that it's not in the eggs or the meat. Do you worry about toxic metals (or other junk) in your food? Where have your fears stemmed from? I'd love to hear from you. You can comment below (no account required) or contact us ðŸ˜Š ----- Sources The risk of lead contamination in bone broth dietsBone Broth and Lead Toxicity: Should You Be Concerned?Bone Broth and Lead Contamination: A Very Flawed Study in Medical HypothesesBone Broth, Collagen, and Toxic Metals: A Research Review

If animals eat wheat, does the gluten transfer to the eggs and meat?

We've been getting this question a good amount lately --- If your chickens and pigs eat wheat, which contains gluten, then do your eggs, chicken, and pork contain gluten, too? Super interesting question. I mean, the saying "you are what you eat" holds true to some extent. But... digestion is the opposite of simple. The short answer is --- Gluten in animal feed does NOT transfer to eggs or meat. Eggs are meat are naturally gluten-free. You see, just like you, when an animal eats gluten, the gluten is broken down into amino acids during digestion. Then, those amino acids are reassembled into a variety of things that support life and growth - proteins, hormones, neurotransmitters, etc. We have anecdotal evidence, too. There are many Miller's customers with Celiac disease or gluten sensitivities that handle our eggs, chicken, and pork without any issues. In fact, some say that our eggs and meat are the only they can tolerate - wow! A little caveat --- cross contamination. Here are two scenarios: What if a butcher uses products on meat or surfaces that contain gluten? I mean the list of approved sanitizers is loooong. This isn't a worry with our foods. Our eggs and chicken only ever touch water. And our pork is washed in organic apple cider vinegar.Can gluten be added to foods like sausages or pies or lunchmeat? Yes. Some baking sodas and spice blends contain gluten. And some trace ingredients (that don't need to be on the label) like maltodextrin or modified food starch may contain gluten. This isn't a worry with our foods. We try to keep things as pure as possible. Intolerances and sensitivities can be complicated. Some people react to parts of gluten, not the whole molecule. During digestion, gluten is broken down into peptides in your intestinal tract. Then, those peptides are broken down into amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. They're reassembled (with other things like broken down vitamins and minerals) into important stuff that your body needs - proteins, tissue, enzymes, hormones. People with confusing (and sometimes inconsistent) reactions might be having a reaction to a specific peptide or part of a molecule. It might now be the whole molecule that's giving you trouble! That's why many people with gluten sensitivity do fine with sourdough and/or einkorn (in fact, we even have a customer with Celiac disease that loves our sourdough einkorn crackers). Sourdough partially digests the gluten for you and possibly changes the way your body breaks it down. And einkorn is a heritage grain that contains a completely different kind of gluten compared to conventional wheat - gluten AA. There's actually a certain test you can take to give you more info. It's called a Zoomer test. Instead of simply seeing if you're reacting to a whole protein, it sees how your body responds to individual peptides. Neat! Or maybe people aren't reacting to wheat itself. Rather, they're reacting to chemicals sprayed on wheat. Many people with gluten sensitivity go to Europe and eat all the bread. Why is this? Well, maybe it's because glyphosate is banned in Europe. But here in the US, we're still spraying it on conventional wheat to dry it out quickly and get it ready for harvest. It could be that some people are reacting to a chemical on wheat... not the wheat itself. I mean, glyphosate is known for disrupting the gut! This could explain why some people don't do well with some eggs and meat but do just fine with ours. After all, we have the highest natural standards and aim to give you the purest food possible, down to the nitty gritty. What have you experienced? Are you sensitive or allergic to gluten but can handle eggs and meat? How do our eggs and meat feel for you? I'd love to hear from you. Comment below (no account required - just start typing) or contact us ðŸ˜Š ----- Sources Are Eggs From Grain-Fed Chickens Safe to Eat on a Gluten-Free Diet?Zoomers Food Sensitivity Testing 101: Your Path to Food Sensitivity AwarenessIs RoundUp Giving You a Pain in the Gut?