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Farm Day 2023 Recap & Pics

written by

Aaron Miller

posted on

May 15, 2023

We hosted nearly 400 people at Farm Day 2023. Occasional showers didn't keep us down. We had a blast with many new activities this year. Best Farm Day yet? I think so!

Thanks to all who came out!! Thanks to Walnut Run Bakery, Healthy Beverages, and Welsh Mountain Apiaries for being vendors. Thanks to Lamar from Welsh Mountain Apiaries for speaking about natural beekeeping. And, thanks to Revival Einkorn for providing pasta for the meal.

Here's a quick recap of the highlights with pics. 


We had 100+ votes. I don't know whether our customers are used to our milk, but here are the results in order of most to least votes:

  1. BLUE: Miller's Pasteurized Milk
  2. GREEN: Miller's Raw Milk
  3. YELLOW: Store-bought Organic Pasteurized Milk
  4. RED: A Competitor's Grass-Fed Raw Milk

If you took any amazing pics at Farm Day, we'd love to see them! You can send them via email to


Farming Practices

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