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Author: Marie Reedell

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Is your raw cheese actually raw? Or has it been greenwashed?

Imagine that you're shopping in a cheese department. You spot some raw cheese. Hooray! So, you buy the cheese. But then, you read the fine print on the back of the label. For example, on Organic Valley's raw cheeses, it says "Heated to 158F for 15 seconds". Ugh!!! What's up with this? Another greenwashed label? Shouldn't raw cheese not be heated at all? Doesn't heating to 158F negate the purpose of purchasing raw? Let's dive a little deeper into what raw cheese is, why it's important for your health, and the regulations on raw cheese.

Macadamia nuts are one of the "healthy nuts". Here are 5 scientific reasons why.

I know a lot of you don't eat a lot of nuts... but maybe you kinda miss them? I know I do. It's so much work to soak and dehydrate them at home (to get rid of the antinutrients). It's easier to just not buy them at all. If you want to purchase presoaked nuts, they're hard to find and prices can be crazy. And then of course there are PUFAs to consider. I mean, don't you wish almonds didn't have a 2010:1 omega 6/3 ratio? Don't you wish walnuts weren't so ridiculously high in PUFAs? Don't you wish Brazil Nuts didn't have so many oxalates? Enter macadamia nuts...

Supplements our dairy cows get for the best possible health and nutrition

Our cows are 100% grass fed. They are never fed grain. But, it's more like "100% grass fed +" since they also get natural supplements so they can be in optimal health. Our supplements change based on the forage quality (and therefore our soil quality), the weather, and any particularities with the cows. We give molasses, minerals, homeopathic remedies, and energy pellets (which are alfalfa and flaxseed oil). Here's why and how.

Bird Flu. What's going on? Should milk drinkers be worried?

There's a lot of scary headlines about bird flu recently. Is it real? Is it hype? Let's look at this with a level headed approach. The main thing is that there is zero evidence of viral transmission of blue flu through milk (even raw milk). This blog post has more info about transmission, our dairy herds, unanswered questions that make me wary, and links to sources.

A2 beef vs A2 dairy. What's the difference? One doesn't even exist in the US.

Every once in a while, a customer sees that we offer A2/A2 dairy and asks, "Do you sell A2 beef?" When this happens, I let them know that A2 beef isn't a thing... at least not in the United States. But, A2/A2 dairy is. The dairy vs. beef classifications are based on two completely separate things. One has to do with marbling in meat, and the other has to do with the type of protein in milk. Here's the explanation of both.

What's in our natural egg feed? And why is it in there anyway?

Our egg farmers recently switched to a new, natural, and 100% honest feed supplier. We are thrilled that they'll work with us to create a corn & soy free feed that fits our natural requirements. Here are answers to common questions about the feed as well as the nitty gritty details about the feed ingredients.

Egg yolk changes. We were greenwashed and are furious! Here's the scoop.

If you've followed our blog for some time, then you know that I do a good amount of muckraking on the food industry - conventional, organic, or otherwise. But, this week, I need to rake the muck on us (more specifically on our corn & soy free eggs)! Here's the scoop and everything you need to know about us formulating a new feed with a trusted source.

The lengths us natural foodies go through for healthy indulgences.

Just because you eat "healthy", doesn't mean that your food tastes bad (in fact, I find that it's quite the opposite with real nutrient-dense ingredients). And, just because you eat "healthy" doesn't mean that you don't indulge once in a while. You with me?I mean, I can't be the only crazy one out there that spends many joyous hours in the kitchen making much healthier versions of well-know brand name snacks for my kids. This week I made Mallomars. I recently took up donut making. And, in the past I've experimented with homemade Oreos, Cheez-Its, chocolate truffles, potato chips, and so much more. When my kids eat them and report that they're better than the storebought stuff they're had at parties and friends' houses... I mean... there's really no better compliment ðŸ¤­I know these foods aren't "healthy". But, by having ultimate control over my ingredients, I can make sure to use grass-fed A2/A2 dairy, einkorn or spelt flour, good saturated fats like butter or ghee or lard, and natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup. And plus, no crazy additives or preservatives or flavors or colors, too. This week I have an easy healthy indulgence for you... that doesn't require hours in the kitchen.A few weeks ago, a local bee farmer stopped by the farm. He gave us samples of his amazingly delicious creamed honey. My mind automatically said, "Yes!!!" Finally, a quick and healthy treat for my family.*In case you didn't know, creamed honey is honey that's vigorously whipped until it's creamy and white. And then, you can flavor it however you'd like.I'm happy to introduce to you 2 NEW RAW CREAMED HONEYS: Cinnamon Raw Creamed Honey: A delicious alternative to jam. Goes well on any crackers, bread, pancakes, and even on mashed sweet potatoes! It can also be used as a glaze on meats or to sweeten your yogurt or oats.Whole Lemon Raw Creamed Honey: A lovely replacement for any frosting on anything baked. Think drizzled on muffins, scones, pancakes…and of course, like all our honey, just by itself for a sweet little dessert. It can also be used as a glaze on meats or to sweeten your yogurt or oats. These honeys are 100% up to our standards. They're raw and unfiltered, GMO and pesticide free, never fed corn syrup, and all that good stuff. Do you have any healthy indulgences? Do you make them of buy them? I'd love to hear from you! Comment below or contact us.

The chemical spill in East Palestine, OH is awful. Was our farm affected?

Have you heard about the chemical spill in Palestine, OH? It’s really just awful. My heart goes out to the families and farmers and wildlife and soil in the affected areas. We’ve gotten a slew of emails from customers wondering if our farm was affected. And rightly so! I mean, how can we produce the most natural, highest quality food if our land is contaminated? We did some research, and here's what we found.