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Heads up! There's a price lock now and a price increase soon.

written by

Aaron Miller

posted on

January 13, 2023

The farm finished reviewing last year’s metrics and made its budget for 2023. And, we came to a disappointing but necessary conclusion. 

We sadly need to raise prices. 

It’s never an easy decision to make. It never feels good. But, if we want to continue on with our mission to be an amazing and reliable source for farm direct, nutrient dense food, then we need to be as environmentally sustainable as we are financially sustainable.

There’s no one big thing that’s causing this increase. It’s just the cost of every little thing going up bit by bit. 

As you probably know, this is happening everywhere. Whether it’s because of the war in Ukraine, supply chain issues, or disastrous weather, food is more expensive. In supermarkets over the past year or so, the price of fruits and vegetables increased by about 10%, milk rose about 15%, and eggs soared to over 30% more. 

The good news is that our price increase will NOT be as big as food prices rising elsewhere. The exact amount will vary based on your delivery option, but it will be less than half of the average 14% rise in supermarket prices. 

And, another good thing is that we are giving you a heads up. No surprises. I hope this helps you plan and prepare. 

We are promising you that from now until January 29 we are freezing prices. But, after that, you will notice changes.

We will honor whatever price is in your cart when you checkout. So, if you want to purchase with our current prices, I recommend placing an order now or anytime on or before January 29. 

How are you feeling about rising prices everywhere? Has it affected your life? What do you foresee coming in the future? 

I’d love to hear from you.Comment on the blog below (no account required) or contact us.

Any questions? Please don’t hesitate to ask!


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