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Order junk free pork at a ridiculous discount

written by

Aaron Miller

posted on

November 22, 2019

We have some really exciting news! Our first ever When Pigs Fly Pork Sale opens this Monday, November 22 and will close 7 days later on Sunday, December 1 at 11:59 PM EST. Sign up and get more info.

We’ll have small to large bundles filled with individually sealed cuts that offer you deep discounts on forest-raised pork. The more you buy, the more you save.

Our customers LOVE our pork because it’s simply UNIQUE. It’s packed with flavor, and our processor uses real ingredients. Our sugar-free salt cured bacon is a best seller!

Pastured pork is really hard to find. 

I mean, it’s basically non-existent in supermarkets. Where else can you find pigs who live in the forest, rooting around and consuming thousands of acorns per year!?

No need to look further. We’re here for you. 

And next week is a great time to buy some forest-dwelling pork at discount prices. Again, this has never happened before, and the sale will only be open for 7 days. Super exciting!

Oh, and did I mention that the pigs will be processed this week or in early December? That means it will last the longest time possible in your freezer.

If you’d like to be notified when the When Pigs Fly Pork Sale opens and receive some stellar content about our all-natural pork farming practices, pork nutrition, and recipes, click below NOW!

I’m interested. Count me in!

Enjoy the food,


PS: Miller’s has a goal of transparency. We want you to know everything about where your food comes from, how it was raised, how it was processed, anything you want to know. By signing up for our launch, we’ll give you all the info you need to make informed choices about your food… and in this particular case, your pork.

Pastured Meat

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