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Seeing the positives of the pandemic(s)

written by

Aaron Miller

posted on

April 10, 2020

There are both positives and negatives in nearly any situation. In our current pandemic, there are obviously many terrible and tragic situations happening. But of course, there’s also positives. 

In honor of Earth Day next week, I want to speak about one big positive side effect of the pandemic - environmental impact.

The slowing of humans worldwide over the past few months has had an incredibly positive impact on the environment. It’s as if the Earth has been in a pandemic for decades, which is now called “climate change”. The Earth has become infected with humans - reproducing, expanding their territory, and decimating natural resources. 

All we need to resolve the COVID-19 pandemic AND the environmental pandemic is to slow down. 

In Wuhan, residents posted pictures of blue skies in a usually smog-laden city.

The canals in Venice are no longer murky but beautifully clear. 

With less planes and cars and energy needs, air pollution has gone down significantly. Check out these maps of NO2 values before and during the pandemic in China and France. 

Seismologists have noticed that they can hear the natural earth better. Can you feel it when you walk barefoot outside? 

Marine ecologists have noticed a reduction in noise in the oceans. They can hear humpback whales and other marine life from a great distance. 

And I myself in my home that backs to forest can hear the animals, the wind in the trees, and the running streams around me better than ever before. 

Since mainstream food chains are failing, alternative food systems are thriving. Small farmers are inundated with business. This allows them to continue producing sustainable food that regenerates our soil (and I hope that trend continues long after the pandemic subsides). 

These are just a few examples. Do you know of any more positive environmental impacts of the pandemic? I want to know!

To me, this is just so incredible. From my small place of power, I try to improve the environment every day. I support and source food from select small farms, I buy used clothing, I use reusable bags, I choose earth-friendly bath and cleaning products, I compost, I’m very aware of my energy use and impact, and more.

What if humans worldwide could get on board? What if we all could slow down a little bit? What if we can reimagine an earth-friendly world together? Are you with me?

Please, let’s not go back to the same thing as before. This is a chance for a resurrection of Earth (yes, I’m thinking resurrection as Easter is this Sunday). 

So you know, the farmer is thinking forward, too. His next move forward is with sustainable packaging materials. 

If you order via mail shipping, you may have received a box with recycled and biodegradable denim insulation recently. The farmer is planning to switch to that 100% in the next few months. He also has plans to switch to many other eco friendly packing materials, but it will take some research and time. If you have any recommendations, please send them our way! 

Happy Easter! Happy Earth Day! And, please do enjoy the food.

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