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What's wrong with the renamed fresh cream?

written by

Aaron Miller

posted on

May 24, 2018

Fresh cream. Fresh raw cream. So silky. So decadent. Savory and sweet. In my opinion, one of the best foods around. When it’s truly fresh, it’s divine.

Cream, the fat of the milk, is rich in fat soluble vitamins as well as conjugated linoleic acid and even coenzyme Q10. If raw, fresh cream is packed with beneficial bacteria and enzymes with the vitamins intact.

If you know all this, then you also know that, when you receive substandard cream, it is heartbreaking.

What could be wrong with your cream?

  • -  It’s too sour! Sour cream happens naturally when its fresh and unprocessed. It is a live food that is constantly fermenting, even in the fridge. It will get slowly more sour over time. It should take 1-2 weeks to become really sour. At that point, you can use it like sour cream or incorporate it into cooking or baking.
  • -  It’s too bitter! Bitter cream is hard to diagnose, as it can be caused by many factors. Maybe the cows ate onion grass in the field. Perhaps the barn smell was absorbed. Perhaps bacteria were introduced that is causing the fermentation to go down a different path. Perhaps it was stored at too cold of a temperature. Regardless, please report bitter cream immediately. The farmer will do his best to diagnose and solve the problem ASAP!
  • -  It’s too thick! This one gets me. How could cream be too thick!? Two factors affect the thickness of cream: speed and temperature. The faster the cream separator spins, the thicker the cream. The warmer the milk, the thicker the cream. And vice versa. If your cream is too thick, there is an easy remedy. Add some milk to make it lighter.

Due to this last complaint, the farmer is renaming the cream to better match the expectations set by other cream producers. Same great products, different names.

Light Cream will now be called Heavy Cream.

The new Heavy Cream will be similar in thickness to store bought cream.

Heavy Cream will now be called Super Heavy Cream.

The new Super Heavy Cream is really thick. It cannot be found in stores. It is spoonable and barely pourable. If you haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend it.

Cream can be used in so many culinary ways. You can top almost any dessert or fruit with whipped cream. Add it to a soup. Cook eggs in it. Add it to coffee or tea. Make panna cotta or ice cream.

Have any awesome recipes for cream? I’d love to hear them!

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Minute details for this year's on demand turkeys

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Lovely Farm Day recap with pics and videos. And the sour milk debacle. Our milk really does last.

Despite a little rain and chilly weather, this year's Farm Day event was simply lovely. Thanks to everyone who came out!One family reported, "This is better than Hershey Park!" Another family reported that they're very selective with the natural foods they eat, and that can be a challenge at parties and events. The best part for them was that they could say "yes" to every food that was there. And we heard from a lot of people that the Farmer Panel Discussion was extremely educational. Many thanks to our farmers! They said we could have simply done that the entire day, and maybe I'll take that tip for a new event next year.Here's a short 1-minute video recap of the event: Honestly the food was incredible. We served a smorgesboard of snacks. Our vendors were giving out samples. And there was a hot lunch of smoked brisket, chicken leg and thigh, a loaded salad bar, baked beans, potatoes, and veggies. Here are some pics of the food: We had lots of fun activities, too. A mini petting zoo, making flower crowns, milking a cow, and wagon and pony and camel rides. Here are some pics of that excitement: We also had a Farmer Panel Discussion. We had Aaron representing his two brothers, our raw dairy farmers. We had Daniel, who raises our chickens. We had Lamar, who's our beekeeper. And finally Raymond, who's one of our egg farmers. Here are the first 7 minutes of the panel. It's the intro, before we got into the nitty gritty questions. Overall, Farm Day went off without a hitch. There was one issue --> the Sour Milk Challenge.  You see, raw milk naturally sours as it ages. The living microbiology that's inside the cow ferments the milk, breaking down the lactose (milk sugar) and turning it into lactic acid (which is sour). The warmer it is and the longer it sits, the more sour it gets. Drinking sour milk is not a safety issue, it's a palatability issue.I put milk aside way before Farm Day. One was 25 days old, one was 15 days old, and one was 8 days old. It was simply sitting in our cooler. The day before the event I tasted them, and all of the milks tasted the same! They all tasted fresh!!How could I have a sour milk tasting with no sour milk!? I had to think fast. So I put one milk in the culturing room (at 98F) overnight. Another I left on the counter overnight. The one in the culturing room did get a little sour. But, the challenge overall was very difficult (dare I say impossible). Here's what the challenge looked like: This really made me think about how important our milk safety standards are.I mean, given the amount our farmers clean when milking, there's zero manure or urine or dirt in the milk. There's no external bacteria or yeast mixed in.Most raw milk farmers don't do what we do (and pasteurized milk farmers definitely don't). It's kinda gross when you think about it. But, having any manure or urine or dirt or residue from equipment in raw milk definitely makes it sour quickly. It also made me think about temps for storing raw milk.Our cooler is kept at 35F. It seems that this nearly stopped the fermentation. Compare this to a regular home fridge, which is usually 40-42F. Those 5-7 degrees matter! It makes me want to get a separate mini milk-only fridge at home that I keep colder.Anyway, I digress. Farm Day was amazing!!! If you came, we'd love for you to leave your comments below. We'll be attending a few more events this fall, and we'd love to see you there! Healthy Food, Healthy Body. An Event for Healthy Living.October 19, 1-4pmTenafly NJWise Traditions ConferenceOctober 25-27Orlando, FLDocumenting Hope ConferenceNovember 15-17Orlando, FL

We're many small farms. We let farmers do what they love - farm.

Our name is Miller's Bio Farm, and honestly it should change. It really should be Miller's Bio Farms (plural).Why? That's because we aren't just one farm - we are collection of likeminded, small, local, (nearly all) Amish, family farms. We are so lucky to be in Lancaster County, where more and more people are getting into natural farming and food. When Aaron, the founder, started out, he did a lot of things himself. He milked cows, he raised pigs in the woods, he had mobile coops with chickens, had a few beef cattle, and even butchered some chickens.But he never raised laying hens or kept bees. He never butchered his own meat. Besides pasture, he never grew and mixed his own feed. I mean, there were so many things he didn't do.And really, it was never just Aaron, it was his wife Rebecca and their kids too. I mean, doing it all that would be A LOT for one family! And, with smaller properties in Lancaster County (compared to expansive ranches in other parts of the US), there's not enough space either.  It's always been a collaboration of farms.We value our farmers' independence. They join us if they align with and can meet our natural standards. But, we want them to own their animals and operations, to make decisions for themselves, and be able to do what they love - farm. Right now, here's where our natural foods come from: Dairy: Aaron's two brothers, John and David, have two small 100% grass fed dairy herds. John's herd is on site and produces all of our fluid milk. David's herd is about 20 minutes away. His milk is used for dairy products like cream, cheese, and yogurt.Eggs: We have a handful of local farms, all within 1.5 hours of the farm. They all follow the same exact farming practices and give the hens the same quality feed.Beef: We have one beef farmer. He's actually a bit of trek, nearly 3 hours from the farm. But his property is just so beautiful.Pork: We have one local farm that raises pigs in the woods. He also grows produce, so in addition to what they forage and their corn & soy free feed, the pigs get lots of yummy seconds and thirds of fresh veggies. Chicken: This comes from one farm about 1.5 hours west of our main farm. Daniel, the chicken farmer, used to be our on site dairy farmer. But he decided that he likes chickens more than cows. And plus, he kinda wanted his very own operation, too. Turkey: This comes from a very local farm that raises turkeys just for us.Seafood: From Wild for Salmon, which is a collection of fishers all following the same natural standards and sustainable harvest practices.Honey: From two different honey farmers. One makes our regular honey and has hives on our main dairy farm. The other makes our creamed honeys.Produce: This is from Lancaster Farm Fresh, which is a collection of farms. They have great transparency, so we're able to find out the growing practices and where it comes from. We'll be pulling another produce farmer in soon to get it even more local. Farmers became farmers for a reason. And it's not because they like computers or talking to people or packing orders. So we do the processing and manage the website and pack orders and do the customer service and help spread the learning around. And our farmers... well... they farm and provide you that amazing food. How do you feel buying from a collection of farms? What's most important to you when buying food?