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Why is the farmer changing his prices?

written by

Aaron Miller

posted on

February 7, 2020

We stand for transparency. Because of that, we wanted to give you a heads up and explain why and how the prices will be changing a bit.

Farmer Aaron has been working with a financial consultant to figure out how much it costs him to produce and deliver each product. This is a detailed study, and not a general overview like he’s done in the past. 

Now that he has the numbers, he’s surprised that he’s been overcharging for some items and undercharged for others. So… Aaron is making some changes. Here’s what to expect.

Some prices will increase and some will go down.

For example, the half gallon of milk in glass will drop from $10.14 to $8.00. As another example, the soy-free eggs will be increasing by $0.25.

The prices will be more customer friendly.

For example, a product with the price $10.02 will likely be rounded to an even $10.00. We hope that it makes it easier for you to shop and budget for your farm food.

The prices will be more competitive.

Aaron knows that his customers value quality the most. But, second to quality is price and convenience. He wants the new price changes to more align with similar farms in his area.

These changes will take effect in the next month or so. So stay tuned!

Aaron relies on customer feedback to constantly improve what he does. If there’s anything that would improve your Miller’s shopping experience, please let us know!

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