You have a huge influence on your food quality
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September 6, 2019
I’m not sure if you know how much of an impact you have over food production in the US.
You vote with every dollar you spend on food. If you small farms to exist, buy from them!
For every dollar you spend on small farm food, you help keep small farmers in business. And, the farmers and the welfare of our environment do very much need your business.
Over the past decade, the trend has undoubtedly been less farmers and bigger farms. And, even though the organic trend is still strong, according to modern farmer, organic farms only account for 1% of all farmland in the US.
I mean, big corporations would not be in business if they had no business. There would be no GMO food if no one bought GMO food. Glyphosate would not be used on crops if there was no one to buy them. It’s really that simple.
Equally as important is when you give your farmer feedback. Your feedback does turn into positive change… even if not immediately.
I’d like to give an example that happened on our farm recently. About six months ago, the farmer started using a new USDA certified processor. A few customers noted that the sausage and bacon had questionable ingredients in them.
So… the farmer reached out to the processor.
Even though it did take six months, we are happy to announce that refinery syrup and powdered honey are no longer ingredients that the processor uses. They switched to natural sweeteners like brown sugar and maple sugar. And, the proprietary blend “natural spice seasoning” has been replaced with herbs with actual culinary names.
This change came from the customers. It went from the customer to the farmer to the processor and back down again. Amazing!
In direct support of these concepts, the Weston A. Price Foundation is having a 50-50 PLEDGE: spend at least 50 percent of your food dollar by purchasing foods directly from local farmers and artisans.
If you’re reading this, then you’re likely on the right track. We really appreciate your help to keep small farmers in business by making small farm food staples in your home. And, as always, we really appreciate your feedback.
Thanks for your support! And, enjoy the food :)