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1 dozen - Duck Eggs

1 dozen - Duck Eggs

Corn & Soy Free | Vary In Size

Will be almost always out until spring!

Did you know that duck eggs are even more nutrient-rich than chicken eggs? They're particularly rich in vitamin B12 and selenium and have higher vitamins and minerals all around. Our ducks are humanely raised. Beyond just being cage free, they are allowed to roam wherever they please on chemical free fields.

Need the Nitty Gritty Details?

Every carton comes with a sell by date. The eggs should last at least 6 weeks past that date.
Duck eggs can be used just like chicken eggs. Use duck eggs for an extra decadent and nutrient-rich breakfast sandwich. Their high protein and fat content also makes them excellent for baking. Substitute two duck eggs for every three chicken eggs that a recipe calls for. 
The duck feed comes from River Nutrition. It is corn and soy-free and contains barley, flax, sunflower seeds, and certified for organic feed supplements that contain vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and essential oils. The feed is tested monthly for glyphosate, and it has always come back with a negligible result that is lower than certified organic feed.
What's the difference between a duck egg and a chicken egg?
Duck eggs are 50-100% larger than chicken eggs, contain more protein, have large yolks and a rich, creamy flavor. If you haven't tried them, you are really missing out.

Are the laying ducks vaccinated?
Nope. They're not vaccinated at all.

Are the eggs washed? What are they washed in?
Our eggs are washed in water and only water.

Why? In Europe, vaccines for chickens are mandatory but egg washing is not. That's why European eggs are NOT found in the refrigerated section of supermarkets. In the United States, vaccines are optional but egg washing is mandatory. Since washing removes the protective bloom on the egg (making the shells permeable and more susceptible to spoiling), that's why American eggs are refrigerated. Many farms use soaps or chemicals to wash their eggs. We use only water.
Our duck egg farmer buys in feed and does not grow it himself. It is not traceable back to a single farm. Vitamins and minerals are added to the feed. Some vitamins are synthetic.