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Macadamia nuts are one of the "healthy nuts". Here are 5 scientific reasons why.

written by

Marie Reedell

posted on

June 28, 2024


Don't eat a lot of nuts... but maybe you kinda miss them? I know I do. 

It's so much work to soak and dehydrate them at home (to get rid of the antinutrients). It's easier to just not buy them at all. If you want to purchase presoaked nuts, they're hard to find and prices can be crazy. And then of course there are PUFAs to consider.

I mean, don't you wish almonds didn't have a 2010:1 omega 6/3 ratio? Don't you wish walnuts weren't so ridiculously high in PUFAs? Don't you wish Brazil Nuts didn't have so many oxalates?

Enter macadamia nuts...

Macadamia Nuts are low in antinutrients and omega 6. They are a healthy nut.

Check out how they compare to popular nut options:


I mean, macadamia nuts undoubtedly come out of top.

Avoid antinutrients, PUFAs, and high omega 6 for the best health possible.

Here's an overview of what each is and why you should avoid it:


PUFAs, or Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, are a type of fat molecule composed of more than one double bond in their backbone. They are commonly found in many foods, especially vegetable oils like soybean, sunflower, and corn oils. While these fats are essential for our body in certain amounts (since our body can't produce them on its own), the modern Western diet has a disheartening imbalance of these fats, which can have potential health consequences (especially when PUFAs are oxidized): inflammation, oxidative stress, suppressed thyroid function, increased risk of heart diseases and certain cancers, and more.


Lectins are part of a plant's defense. It keeps the seeds from being eaten by insects and animals so the plant can reproduce. Lectins are a protein, and they're sticky. They will stick to the intestinal lining and create inflammation and can lead to leaky gut syndrome. Lectins are also associated with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.


Oxalates are chelators. They bind to calcium and then you (usually) poop them out. If oxalate does not bind to calcium and you don't have enough liquid in your pee, then kidney stones will form. Oxalates can cause stress and cellular damage in your body. They can trigger inflammation, steal minerals, and destroy connective tissue. An oxalate overload can lead to a host of problems like kidney stones, arthritis, joint pain, and osteoporosis.

Phytic Acid

Phytic acid is an antinutrient. It's an organic acid that binds phosphorous within. It's found mostly in the bran or hulls of seeds. Untreated phytic acid can combine with calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc in the intestinal tract and block their absorption. This is why a diet high in improperly prepared nuts and whole grains may lead to serious mineral deficiencies and bone loss. The modern misguided practice of consuming large amounts of unprocessed bran often improves colon transit time at first but may lead to irritable bowel syndrome and, in the long term, many other adverse effects.

Omega 6/3 Ratio

Omega 3 and omega 6 are essential fatty acids (also in the PUFA category) necessary for your health, and they can only be obtained through food. But, when eaten out of proportion, it can cause a plethora of chronic health issues: inflammation, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, asthma, depression, fatigue... the list goes on and on. The modern American diet typically provides a shocking 20:1 omega 6/3 ratio. But, humans should eat a 1:1-4:1 ratio. We can only do this by being aware of our food choices.

Soaking nuts can remove antinutrients... but it's time consuming.

Soaking nuts, grains, seeds, and beans has been commonplace in indigenous cultures around the world for thousands of years. It's just what they do. It's likely a result of paying close attention to how your body feels (which is sadly getting lost in the modern word --- there's a pill for that, right?). 

Antinutrients are naturally in a nut for preservation. It helps prevent sprouting until the conditions are right - moist, warm, and slightly acidic. Proper preparation of nuts imitates the process that slowly occurs in nature (more on that below).

How to soak nuts:

  1. Put raw nuts in warm, salted water. You can add a little lemon juice or fermented whey to make the water acidic, too.
  2. Let them soak. The more the antinutrients, the longer you need to soak them to remove 100% of the antinutrients. Almonds should be soaked for a 8-24 hours. But, macadamia nuts only need 1-2 hours of soaking because of the low levels of antinutrients. Once soaked, you can eat them wet. Make hummus or add them to sauces. You can also re-dry them back into a crunchy nut for storage or snacking. 
  3. To dehydrate, spread the nuts on a tray (salting them if you'd like) and keep them between 110-150F. This can be in an oven, a dehydrator, or in the sun! This should take 12-24 hours. You know they're done when they're completely dry and crispy.
  4. Store in an airtight container.

The process of soaking nuts neutralizes phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors. Vitamin content increases, particularly B vitamins. Tannins, complex sugars, gluten and other difficult-to-digest substances are partially broken down into simpler components that are more readily available for absorption.

In short, soaking nuts makes them more nutritious!

Miller's is now offering Raw Hawaiian Macadamia Nuts

We have a direct connection with Ohana Farms, on the big island of Hawaii. They absolutely share our values. The use organic and regenerative farming practices and have an extreme attention to detail. They carefully dehydrate the nuts low and slow to preserve all of the nutrition.

We'll offer raw Hawaiian macadamia nuts for a limited time. If you love them and order them regularly (which I hope you do), we'll keep them around. So, if you're interested, add some to your next order now!

Mmmm... nothing beats the earthy flavor and crunch of a nut.



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How did pork get a bad rep anyway? Why is Miller's pork exceptional?

Did you know that, globally, pork is the #1 meat? According to the UN, 10% more pork is eaten compared to poultry worldwide. And, 50% more pork is eaten compared to beef worldwide. Wow! But, for some reason, this isn't the case in the US. According to the USDA, pork ranks #3 when it comes to meat. Americans eat 30% less pork compared to poultry and 15% less compared to beef. Why is this? Well, pork has gotten a pretty bad rep in the US. Of course there are some religions that prohibit pork, but that's not the leading factor.  Some reasons why pork has a bad rep. 1- Too much saturated fat.  The low fat craze started in the 1970s and fizzled out in the 1990s. It came from the belief that (1) fat makes us fat; and (2) that too much saturated fat = high cholesterol = bad things like heart disease and cholesterol. These myths have been debunked. Read more in fats and health blog post. The bottom line is that not all fats are created equal. Natural animal fats from happy, healthy animals are good. It's those highly processed hydrogenated saturated fats that are bad. In other words, eat all the pork fat! 2- Worry about disease.  People still seem to think they can get sick from pork. There's fear of parasites (like the roundworm Trichinella spiralis that can cause trichinosis) or bacteria or other things.  The reality is that getting sick from pork is really rare nowadays. If you cook pork properly, you don't need to worry about disease. Muscle meat (like chops or tenderloin) should be cooked to 145F. Ground meat and organs should be cooked to 160F.  3- Worry of bad ingredients.  This only relates to processed pork like hot dogs and bacon and ham. There's truth to this one. Nitrates and nitrites, commonly used in curing conventional pork, have been shown to cause cancer and other health issues. And stabilizers, artificial colors, preservatives, and other additives have been linked to negative health outcomes, too. But, this isn't the case for all pork. How meat it's processed matters a lot. At Miller's, we don't put any of that yucky junk in our meat, even the salami and bacon and sausages (more on that below). 4- Worry that eating pork will have a negative affect on your blood.  The Weston A. Price Foundation did a bunch of research on this. It's true that plain pork can cause blood clotting and inflammation. However, properly preparing pork (by marinating it in vinegar or naturally curing it) or by eating pork with fermented veggies like sauerkraut removes these negative effects. Read more about pork and your blood in this blog post. 5- The belief that pigs are "dirty".  I think this one mainly comes from the fact that pigs roll around in mud. They do this to protect their nearly hairless bodies. It's like natural sunscreen. It doesn't mean the meat is dirty at all. It may also come from the fact that pigs are often treated as garbage disposals. They will literally eat anything. And that includes kitchen scraps, meat processing scraps, curdled milk, and more. But again, not all pork is created equal. When you source from trusted farms, you can actually know that the pigs are eating clean food and are rolling around in chemical-free mud.  6- Strange rumors that pigs are deformed. This one came from Nailea on the farm. At some point, she watched a video about how some pigs are born without buttholes or have odd deformities or become cancerous. Yet, despite their weirdness, they're still raised for meat. I don't know how true this is for conventional pigs. But, it's certainly not true for our pigs. They are intact and happy and healthy. And our processor would never give us meat that's weird or cancerous. Why you should eat pork. I'm here to inform you that, when produced naturally and properly, pork is pretty awesome.  It's high in protein, zinc, iron, and B vitamins (particularly the "anti-stress" vitamin B1 - read more about thiamine and pork in this blog post). It's packed with quality, healthy saturated fats. And it's the most affordable meat and can be produced year round.  This is why people around the world love pork. I think you should love pork, too! Miller's pork is not just any old pork.  Here are 6 quick reasons it stands above the rest: 1- Woodland raised.  Our pigs get plenty of exercise and forage for countless nuts and grubs and roots. This diverse diet gives our pork some extra flavor. And you can be assured that the environment is free of chemicals and is a happy place for our pigs to live. 2- Corn & soy free.  This means low PUFA and no chance of GMOs. We haven't tested our pork like we did for our chicken and eggs. But, if we did, I assume we'd get similar results with our pork having balanced omegas and packed with vitamins and minerals. 3- Heritage breeds.  Our pigs are Berkshire, Duroc, Red Waddle, and Black crosses. These heritage breeds are known for their intensity of flavor, juiciness, marbling, and tenderness. It's nothing like the bland, dry pork you often get at the grocery store. 4- No junk like nitrates or additives.  We reduce toxins and anything unnatural as much as possible. Our bacon is cured simply with Celtic sea salt (in a store it would have "uncured" on the label). Our sausages have clean ingredients, no weird thickeners or preservatives. Our salami is cured naturally with celery juice powder. 5- Washed in organic apple cider vinegar.  No harsh chemicals like bleach or citric and lactic acids touch our pork. We are so fortunate to have a naturally minded processor! 6- No drugs.  We don't vaccinate. We don't give antibiotics or hormones or anything like that. Through a natural diet and lifestyle, our pigs stay naturally healthy. Do you eat pork? Why or why not? What do you look for when shopping for pork? I'd love to hear from you. Comment below - no account required (start typing for the guest option to appear). ðŸ˜Š ----- SOURCES: UN Report: Livestock commoditiesUSDA: Chicken leads U.S. per person availability of meat over last decade False Facts About Pork Everyone Actually BelievesIs Pork Bad for You? Here's What a Dietitian Has to Say