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The lengths us natural foodies go through for healthy indulgences.

written by

Marie Reedell

posted on

March 15, 2024


Just because you eat "healthy", doesn't mean that your food tastes bad (in fact, I find that it's quite the opposite with real nutrient-dense ingredients). And, just because you eat "healthy" doesn't mean that you don't indulge once in a while. You with me?

I mean, I can't be the only crazy one out there that spends many joyous hours in the kitchen making much healthier versions of well-know brand name snacks for my kids. This week I made Mallomars. I recently took up donut making. And, in the past I've experimented with homemade Oreos, Cheez-Its, chocolate truffles, potato chips, and so much more. 

When my kids eat them and report that they're better than the storebought stuff they're had at parties and friends' houses... I mean... there's really no better compliment 🤭

I know these foods aren't "healthy". But, by having ultimate control over my ingredients, I can make sure to use grass-fed A2/A2 dairy, einkorn or spelt flour, good saturated fats like butter or ghee or lard, and natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup. And plus, no crazy additives or preservatives or flavors or colors, too. 

This week I have an easy healthy indulgence for you... that doesn't require hours in the kitchen.

A few weeks ago, a local bee farmer stopped by the farm. He gave us samples of his amazingly delicious creamed honey. My mind automatically said, "Yes!!!" Finally, a quick and healthy treat for my family.

*In case you didn't know, creamed honey is honey that's vigorously whipped until it's creamy and white. And then, you can flavor it however you'd like.

I'm happy to introduce to you 2 NEW RAW CREAMED HONEYS:

  • Cinnamon Raw Creamed HoneyA delicious alternative to jam. Goes well on any crackers, bread, pancakes, and even on mashed sweet potatoes! It can also be used as a glaze on meats or to sweeten your yogurt or oats.
  • Whole Lemon Raw Creamed HoneyA lovely replacement for any frosting on anything baked. Think drizzled on muffins, scones, pancakes…and of course, like all our honey, just by itself for a sweet little dessert. It can also be used as a glaze on meats or to sweeten your yogurt or oats.

These honeys are 100% up to our standards. They're raw and unfiltered, GMO and pesticide free, never fed corn syrup, and all that good stuff.

Do you have any healthy indulgences? Do you make them of buy them? 

I'd love to hear from you! Comment below or contact us.

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