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Why and How Kefir Exists?

written by

Aaron Miller

posted on

July 6, 2017

This week the farm staff developed a new drink: blueberry grain kefir. The farm’s grain kefir is particularly special, because the grains used to make the kefir have been passed from farmer to farmer for generations.

Kefir is fermented milk. To make kefir, you need kefir grains, living organisms that come from nature. The kefir grains live off of the lactose and other nutrients in milk. They produce acetic and lactic acids (and other small by-products such as alcohol) that give the milk its new flavor and thicker consistency.

Kefir grains are pretty mysterious, as no one knows exactly where they come from. It is said that the local people of the Caucasus Mountains of the former USSR discovered kefir several thousand years ago, believing it was a “miraculous gift" exclusively for them. The grains were treated like precious jewels in each family, because of their ability to preserve and enhance milk. To this day, it’s considered a staple food in Russia.

The word 'kefir' comes from the Turkish language and means 'long life' or 'good life'. This is because kefir is extremely good for your body. It’s much more potent than yogurt, containing over 30 strains of bacteria and yeast. It is a dynamic source of probiotics that promotes a strong immune system and a healthy gut.

Kefir is an acquired taste, like sardines or stinky cheese. It is pungent, with undertones of hay. The farm staff’s additions of blueberries and maple syrup make it a bit more palatable to a newbie’s taste buds.

Besides being a powerful drink, kefir can be used in many ways. You can use kefir to make a salad dressing that’s poured over a plate of baby spinach, red onions, and blueberries. You can soak grains in kefir overnight to make blueberry pancakes the next morning. Or, my family’s favorite is to make popsicles with blueberry kefir, diced peaches, and honey.

PS: You may be wondering about the difference between our grain kefir and powdered kefir. The grain kefir is made from living organisms passed down for generations. It produces a variable product with a strong taste. The powdered kefir is made from a lab-created freeze dried culture. It produces a milder tasting kefir that is very consistent week to week. Both preserve milk, are packed with probiotics, and are great for your body.

Health and Nutrition

Raw Dairy

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