🧑‍🌾 Farm Day is this Saturday, Sept 7. You're invited! BUY TICKETS.

What are cheese crystals and why would you want them in your cheese?

They say “A diamond lasts forever.” The same can’t be said about cheese crystals. But, they are a sign of quality and distinction. A true delicacy. Have you ever eaten aged cheese and found it to be a bit crunchy? Well, if you look closer, you would see small white dots in or on the cheese causing that crunch. Those are cheese crystals (NOT mold).

Why don't I want to eat breakfast in the morning?

When I wake up in the morning. I’m thirsty... but not hungry. What’s up with that? Does this happen to you, too? There’s a good chance it does, since nearly a quarter of Americans skip breakfast! I almost always follow the “listen to your body” rule. But, not being hungry and therefore not eating breakfast is a little different.

How much would you love an extra 2.6 hours per year?

If you’re a cheese eater, there’s an easy way to save 2.6 hours per year! All you need to do is buy shredded cheese instead of shredding it yourself. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind a little elbow grease, especially when cooking. But, my hold up with shredded cheese has always been the options available.

How can you thank the farm staff for their hard work? This is it!

I’ve been a Miller’s customer for 8+ years and an employee for 4+ years. Over this time, I’ve watched the farm grow into something more beautiful than I could have imagined. The farm staff need some help right now. Let’s call it a morale boost. You have three options to give the farm staff a virtual high five...

The 2 big reasons Miller's milk may be more digestible

Milk is sadly one of the most common food allergies in the US. It’s estimated that about 2.5% of children under 3 and 1-2% of adults are allergic to milk. Wow! Humans have been consuming milk for 6,000 years. Yet, the surge in milk allergies didn’t start until the past few decades. What’s going on? In my opinion, the problem is not simply “milk”... because all milk is not created equal. I’ve said it before, it’s the HOW not the COW.

5 ways to know you're getting the best pastured meat

I often get questions about the quality of the meat. Ding ding ding. This is a sure sign that the quality of meat sold in America is, in general, questionable. Oh how I wish it weren’t so! Let’s see if I can lend a hand and help you easily know you’re getting the best pastured meat. Here are 5 important things to look out for.